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Goals of the Club

  • Maintaining the competitiveness of arable farming
  • Introduction of a new entrepreneurial attitude
  • Exchange of experience and information on an European level

Name, registered offices and purpose

§1 The Club of European Arable Farmers was established on the 26th November 1991 in Frankfurt/Main

§2 The name of the Club is "European Arable Farmers", abbreviated "EAF"

§3 The registered offices of the Club are in Frankfurt/Main

§4 The goals and tasks of the Club are solely non-profit making and include

  • the cultivation of the European idea
  • the exchange of experience and information amongst crop producers in European countries
  • the improvement of framework conditions for crop producers in Europe
  • the improvement of production, quality and marketing
  • the solution of production-related environmental problems
  • the cooperation with all organisations engaged in the production, processing and marketing of field crops

§5 The Club language is English


§6 Regular membership may be acquired by individual and legal persons operating an arable farm. Other companies, associations and authorities may become associate members. Associate members have no vote in the General Assembly. Efforts will be made for all European countries to be represented in the Club

§7 Applications for membership have to be directed to the Secretary in Frankfurt/Main. The applications will have to be approved by the Committee.

§8 The financial year shall be the calendar year. Members who have not paid their dues by 1 June despite having received a reminder may be excluded from the Club.

§9 Each member may cancel his membership by notification hereof before 1 October with effect as of the end of the financial year.

§10 Membership applications of associate members must be seconded by the country spokesman. Associate members may not be proposed for and elected to the Committee.

Committee, President and Secretary

§11 The Committee of the Club consists of one representative of each country represented in the Club. The country representatives will be proposed by the members of that country. The Committee members will be elected by the General Assembly for a term of three years. They may be re-elected once.
If a Committee member cannot attend a meeting he may appoint another member of that country to represent him.

§12 The President will be elected by the Committee and approved by the General Assembly for a period of three years. He may be re-elected once. He will be the Chairman of both bodies and he represents the Club in its contacts with third parties.

§13 The DLG will serve as the secretariat of the Club.
The Secretary will participate in the Committee meetings. He undertakes the functions of secretary and treasurer for the Club. Cash audit is effected by the Committee.

General Assembly

§14 The General Assembly is the democratic organ of the Club. It will meet at least once a year.

§15 The General Assembly will elect the Committee members and approve the President.

§16 The General Assembly decides on the level of the membership dues.

§17 The General Assembly must approve the accounts and the budget.

§18 All regular members will have the same voting rights in the General Assembly.

§19 The General Assembly will adopt decisions by a simple majority.

§20 The General Assembly decides on the statutes of the Club. Decisions on modifications of the statutes or the dissolution of the Club may only be taken if 50% of the members are present. Alternatively all members have to be interrogated on the modification in writing. In both cases a 2/3 majority is needed. The wording of any changes of the statutes must be contained in the agenda which must reach the Club members at least 2 weeks before the meeting.

Membership Application

You want to become a new member of the European Arable Farmers?
Here you can download the membership application form (PDF-Format, supported by Acrobat Reader)

Please send this form with your signature via E-Mail or fax to :

European Arable Farmers
c/o DLG (German Agricultural Society)
Eschborner Landstr. 122
D-60489 Frankfurt am Main
Fax +49(0)69/24 788 114